Weight Loss Drink


Your Liquid Path to Success!

Introducing TRi-MLT™, a high-performance, SomaTech-enhanced weight loss drink designed to help you achieve your fitness and body goals. More than just a supplement, TRi-MLT™ is your ultimate ally in reducing cravings, shedding excess fat, and elevating your lifestyle. Whether you’re looking to control hunger, lose stubborn weight, or boost your daily routine, TRi-MLT™ is the solution you’ve been waiting for.
weight loss drink

The Science of TRi-MLT™

TRi-MLT™ is specifically formulated to support three key hormones that play a crucial role in weight management: Leptin, Ghrelin, and PYY. These hormones are directly linked to how your body handles hunger and fat storage:


This hormone signals your brain when you’ve had enough to eat, helping to prevent overeating.


Known for its role in stimulating appetite, ghrelin drives hunger signals. TRi-MLT™ helps balance ghrelin levels, keeping your hunger in check.

PYY (Peptide YY)

PYY is released after eating and plays a role in making you feel full between meals, assisting with appetite suppression.

By influencing these hormones, TRi-MLT™ helps you better manage food cravings, reduce unnecessary snacking, and support a leaner physique.

Driven by SomaTech®

At the core of TRi-MLT™ is SomaTech®, New U Life’s innovative technology that leverages unique ingredient combinations to address hormonal imbalances. These imbalances can hinder your weight loss efforts and contribute to signs of aging, making it harder to achieve your ideal body shape.

The SomaTech® blend in TRi-MLT™:

  • Regulates hormone levels to naturally curb cravings and support fat burning.
  • Increases energy and mental focus to keep you productive and active.
  • Promotes fat reduction by enhancing your body’s ability to metabolize stored fat.

With ingredients grounded in clinical research, TRi-MLT™ is a safe and effective weight loss drink to help you revitalize your lifestyle.

TRi-MLT weight loss drink

Why TRi-MLT™ is the Right Choice

Choosing TRi-MLT™ means choosing a science-backed, reliable approach to weight management. Here’s what sets it apart:

  • Easy Liquid Format: Enjoy the convenience of a ready-to-go liquid shot you can take anytime, anywhere.
  • Scientifically Proven Ingredients: Each component of TRi-MLT™ has been chosen for its ability to assist with weight loss and hormone balance.
  • Triple Hormone Focus: By targeting leptin, ghrelin, and PYY, TRi-MLT™ does more than curb hunger—it addresses the hormonal triggers that lead to weight gain.
  • SomaTech® Innovation: This cutting-edge formula targets the hormonal imbalances that often make weight loss difficult, helping you achieve lasting results.

Got Questions, We've Got Answers

TRi-MLT™ is a powerful weight management liquid supplement (weight loss drink) that leverages SomaTech® technology to support three key hormones—Leptin, Ghrelin, and PYY. These hormones help regulate appetite, reduce cravings, and promote fat loss, making TRi-MLT™ a unique solution for those looking to achieve their ideal body shape.

TRi-MLT™ works by targeting the three hormones responsible for hunger and fat storage: Leptin (satiety hormone), Ghrelin (hunger hormone), and PYY (appetite suppressant). By helping to balance these hormones, TRi-MLT™ reduces food cravings, regulates appetite, and supports fat burning, leading to weight loss and improved body composition.

SomaTech® is New U Life’s proprietary scientific approach that powers TRi-MLT™. It combines clinically studied ingredients to target hormonal imbalances, which can contribute to weight gain, slow metabolism, and visible signs of aging. This innovative technology enhances the effectiveness of TRi-MLT™ in promoting healthy weight management.

TRi-MLT™ contains a unique blend of ingredients specifically chosen to support the regulation of Leptin, Ghrelin, and PYY. Each ingredient in the formula is backed by clinical research and is designed to help manage appetite, improve metabolism, and encourage fat loss. The full ingredient list can be found on the product packaging.

TRi-MLT™ is ideal for individuals looking to control cravings, lose excess fat, and maintain a healthy weight. It’s especially effective for those who have struggled with overeating, managing their appetite, or hitting a plateau in their weight loss journey.

TRi-MLT™ is a convenient liquid shot that can be taken once daily. Simply drink the recommended dosage as directed on the packaging. It can be taken at any time of day, but some users find it most effective when taken before meals to help control appetite.


Yes, TRi-MLT™ can be safely combined with most other supplements. However, if you are using other hormone-regulating supplements or weight loss products, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before adding TRi-MLT™ to your regimen.


Yes, TRi-MLT™ is formulated with ingredients that have been clinically studied for safety and effectiveness. However, as with any supplement, it’s recommended to follow the usage instructions and consult with your healthcare provider if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns.

Results may vary depending on individual factors such as diet, exercise, and overall lifestyle. Many users start to notice reduced cravings and improved appetite control within the first few weeks. For optimal results, TRi-MLT™ should be used consistently as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Yes, TRi-MLT™ is formulated to be effective for both men and women who are looking to manage their weight, control cravings, and improve their overall body composition.

Most users do not experience side effects when taking TRi-MLT™. However, as with any supplement, there is a possibility of mild digestive discomfort in some individuals. If you experience any adverse effects, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.


You can purchase TRi-MLT™ directly from the official New U Life website or from authorized retailers. Be sure to only buy from trusted sources to ensure you’re getting the authentic product.

The product’s ingredients are formulated to be both vegan and gluten-free, making it suitable for individuals with dietary restrictions. Always check the label for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

If you are pregnant, nursing, or planning to become pregnant, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before using any supplements, including TRi-MLT™.

TRi-MLT™ is unique because it directly targets the hormones responsible for regulating hunger and fat storage—Leptin, Ghrelin, and PYY—using the innovative SomaTech® formula. This sets it apart from other weight loss products that may only focus on temporary appetite suppression or calorie burning, offering a more holistic approach to long-term weight management.

Reach Your Ideal Shape with TRi-MLT™

If you’re struggling to control your cravings, speed up your metabolism, or lose those last few pounds, TRi-MLT™ is here to help. This weight loss drink supplement provides you with the tools to regain control over your weight, leading to lasting changes in both your body and lifestyle.

Start Your Transformation Today with TRi-MLT™!

Are you ready to take control of your cravings and work towards your best self? Make TRi-MLT™ a part of your daily routine and unlock the benefits of balanced hormones, reduced cravings, and increased fat loss. Experience the difference with TRi-MLT™—your liquid shot at success!